Pet Care During Tough Times

Studies have repeatedly shown that a large majority of pet owners consider their pets as a family member. We spoil them with birthday parties, presents, and all manner of toys and treats to keep them happy. But, when money is tight, extra expenses need to go. Sadly, some pet owners choose to avoid veterinary visits as one means to save money. And believe it or not, others might give up their pets completely.

Knowing what you can safely do at home to lower your pet's healthcare costs is a good way to insure a healthy pet and a healthy wallet. First, don't skimp on wellness or preventive care. Vaccinations and parasite prevention are important parts of maintaining your pet's health and yours as well. Diseases like rabies and Leptospirosis are zoonotic, meaning they can be spread between animals and people. Similarly, intestinal parasites or even fleas and ticks, are capable of transmitting serious diseases to our families.

Some owners might choose to buy vaccines online or from a pet store. While this idea sounds like a cost-saving measure, there are many risks. Vaccines are delicate biological suspensions and require constant refrigeration to be effective. Some need proper mixing in order to work correctly. Improper preparation could make the whole process worthless. Choosing a lower cost flea product or a "do-it-yourself" dewormer at a general merchandise store is another option a pet owner might try to save money. Sadly, according to the Center for Public Integrity (, these over-the-counter products are likely responsible for a sharp increase in pet deaths and adverse events in recent years. The EPA has received more than 25,000 reports of over-the-counter pesticide reactions in pets since 2003.

Pet emergencies shouldn't be a place for shortcuts either. Some pet owners simply use topical antibiotics on bite wounds or lacerations in order to avoid treating the pet when initially injured. But, most of these animals end up coming into the veterinary hospital with out of control infections.

Always check with your veterinarian before giving any over the counter human medication to your pet! Many pet poisonings are caused by human medications. But don't worry; you can still save on your veterinary bills with a few simple steps at home. First, play with your pet! Veterinary behaviorists all agree that a tired dog is a happy dog and happy dogs don't tear up furniture or get into trouble. Since behavior issues are the number one reason for abandoning pets, this fun task might literally save your pet's life.

Playing with your pet has health benefits as well. A well-exercised pet is less likely to be overweight and suffer from obesity related problems such as arthritis, certain cancers, or diabetes. Next, when exercising your pet, use appropriate restraints and confinements. Pets who roam freely are often hit by traffic, get into fights or eat something dangerous. Emergencies like these can end up hitting your wallet very hard.

Despite all of these precautions, some pets will just get into trouble or develop a serious disease. Although veterinary medicine is still a bargain compared to other health services, most of us would be hard pressed to pay a big veterinary bill out of pocket. Consider pet insurance, or setting aside some money each month for your pet in case of an emergency.

We all want to keep our furry friends safe and healthy, but it is challenging when just feeding the family stretches your budget. Talk with your veterinarian about your pet's specific health needs and see what should be addressed immediately and what can wait.

Keeping up with Pet Care

1) Don't skimp on wellness care! Too many diseases and parasites are prevented by inexpensive vaccines and medications.

2) Avoid trying to save money by buying over-the counter products or vaccines. These items can be dangerous and sometimes deadly to your pet.

3) When emergencies occur, talk to your veterinarian. Don't try to treat the wound yourself with bandages or topical ointments. These steps are rarely helpful.

4) Never give human medications to your pets without authorization from your veterinarian. Many pet poisonings are due to this well-intentioned act.

5) Do exercise with your pet! A tired pet is a happy pet and less likely to look for trouble!

6) Keep your pet's weight at optimal levels. Obese pets are prone to costly diseases like diabetes, arthritis and certain cancers.

7) Love your pet each day! These daily touches can find little lumps and bumps before they turn into big expensive masses!

8) Consider a pet health savings plan or even insurance for your pet. A little money put aside today could be a life-saver for your pet tomorrow.

9) Talk with your veterinarian about the essentials of your pet's care. Some procedures could be delayed without undue risk to your pet's health.

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  • "We have been taking our dogs to this clinic for nearly 30 years. The staff clearly loves animals. We were sad when the old vets decided to retire, but are pleased to find that the new vet, Dr. Lee, is carrying on their commitment to excellent and compassionate care."
  • "I actually called this vet by accident but I do not regret it in the slightest. Over the 5 months I have been taking Shadie here it has been nothing but the best experiences. They did everything they could for her and I never felt pressured to do something I didn't want to.

    Yesterday I lost my baby after a week of struggling to find answers. Dr. Lee was always kind and open to my question and explaining everything that was going in. Today he even called me personally to offer his condolences for my loss and ensuring he would get my baby's ashes for me. I have never been to a better vet. Thank you for everything you have done for Shadie and when I'm ready for another baby I'll be sure to come here."
  • "All of the staff at this vets office are so very compassionate to both our animals and also to us. We have been going to this office with our pets for about 25 years. I have been to other vets in years past as they were closer to our home and were sorely disappointed. We rushed back to this office and have never looked back. We will never take our pets to any other office. A huge thank you to all the staff for being the best."

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