Lumps and Bumps: Routine Visits Pay Off

When was the last time your pet visited the veterinarian? If you answered "not in a while," it is time to book your next appointment. Have you recently discovered a lump or bump on your pet? Don't let that new discovery go unexamined. While it may be completely benign, it is essential for your pet's health to make an appointment with your veterinarian soon after discovery. Ruling out health concerns such as tumors, cysts, and infections will help to keep your pet healthy.

Discovering and Diagnosing Lumps and Bumps

Without regular veterinary visits, subtle illnesses such as pet lumps and bumps can go unnoticed and develop into more serious health concerns such as cancers, arthritic conditions, and infections. When you brush and groom your pet, feel around behind ears, along the neckline, underneath their bellies and along legs and joints for wounds, lumps, and bumps.

Your groomer can help discover things you may miss. Furrier animals can hide lumps and bumps for a long time without anyone noticing until the animal becomes sick. While many pet owners consider grooming a pampering ritual for pets, it could be life-saving, especially when you choose a groomer who works in an environment with a veterinarian on site.

What to Look for on Your Pet

There are many types of masses, but a lipoma is the most common lump found on pets. This soft, round or flat, and painless lump presents just under your pet's skin and is generally benign, although, rarely a liposarcoma is found. More of a problem though, is that mast cell tumors, a type of skin cancer, can look and feel just like a lipoma. Because of this, it is always best for your pet's overall wellness to have these lumps and bumps accurately evaluated and diagnosed.

Occasionally benign masses can grow into other surrounding tissues. While the actual lump itself is not a concern, the tissue it can disrupt sometimes is problematic. The mass may affect the way a limb moves, or an eyelid closes. In some cases lumps must be removed surgically, and removing them early is the key.

Goodman Lee, Jessica, “Lumps & Bumps: Team Training Plan.” Veterinary Team Brief, 2013.

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  • "We have been taking our dogs to this clinic for nearly 30 years. The staff clearly loves animals. We were sad when the old vets decided to retire, but are pleased to find that the new vet, Dr. Lee, is carrying on their commitment to excellent and compassionate care."
  • "I actually called this vet by accident but I do not regret it in the slightest. Over the 5 months I have been taking Shadie here it has been nothing but the best experiences. They did everything they could for her and I never felt pressured to do something I didn't want to.

    Yesterday I lost my baby after a week of struggling to find answers. Dr. Lee was always kind and open to my question and explaining everything that was going in. Today he even called me personally to offer his condolences for my loss and ensuring he would get my baby's ashes for me. I have never been to a better vet. Thank you for everything you have done for Shadie and when I'm ready for another baby I'll be sure to come here."
  • "All of the staff at this vets office are so very compassionate to both our animals and also to us. We have been going to this office with our pets for about 25 years. I have been to other vets in years past as they were closer to our home and were sorely disappointed. We rushed back to this office and have never looked back. We will never take our pets to any other office. A huge thank you to all the staff for being the best."

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