People Food for Pets

Image of dog sitting by a person's feet.

On a low carb diet? Planning on sharing some of those low calorie dessert treats with your canine friends? STOP! That sugar-free snack you think is good for you and your dog could actually send you to the veterinarian

The sugar substitute, Xylitol, has been a great development in the fight against tooth decay and in helping diabetics gain better control over their disease. However, this popular sweetener may be devastating to the family pet. New research now being released shows that ingestion of Xylitol by dogs can cause liver failure and even death. Reports from the ASPCA Poison Control Center show the number of Xylitol related pet exposures is on the rise and that rise has many veterinarians and pet owners concerned.

For years, veterinarians have suspected that Xylitol could make dogs sick, but an article in the October issue of the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA) has documented the outcomes of several cases of Xylitol ingestions in dogs from 2003 to 2005. Five of eight dogs died or had to be euthanized due to complications stemming from Xylitol ingestion.

Often found in human mints, sugar-free gums, toothpastes, and sweets, Xylitol, has been a popular sugar substitute since the 1960s. However, researchers found that even small amounts of Xylitol can cause liver damage and even death in dogs.

Dogs that ingest large amounts of Xylitol have sudden and profound drops in blood sugar levels, leading to weakness and uncoordinated movements. Occasionally, seizures may be seen as well. However, even small amounts of Xylitol are not safe. As little as 1 gram of Xylitol can set off a chain of events leading to liver damage. A dog could receive this amount in just a few candies or sticks of gum containing this sugar substitute. Xylitol can also be found in children's chewable multi-vitamins, certain cough medications and even mouthwashes.

Although most pet owners routinely give some sort of "people food" to their dogs, the JAVMA report should be a wake up call, showing that many foods that are safe for humans can be harmful to pets.

Any pet owner concerned about anything their dog has ingested should seek veterinary medical attention immediately.

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  • "We have been taking our dogs to this clinic for nearly 30 years. The staff clearly loves animals. We were sad when the old vets decided to retire, but are pleased to find that the new vet, Dr. Lee, is carrying on their commitment to excellent and compassionate care."
  • "I actually called this vet by accident but I do not regret it in the slightest. Over the 5 months I have been taking Shadie here it has been nothing but the best experiences. They did everything they could for her and I never felt pressured to do something I didn't want to.

    Yesterday I lost my baby after a week of struggling to find answers. Dr. Lee was always kind and open to my question and explaining everything that was going in. Today he even called me personally to offer his condolences for my loss and ensuring he would get my baby's ashes for me. I have never been to a better vet. Thank you for everything you have done for Shadie and when I'm ready for another baby I'll be sure to come here."
  • "All of the staff at this vets office are so very compassionate to both our animals and also to us. We have been going to this office with our pets for about 25 years. I have been to other vets in years past as they were closer to our home and were sorely disappointed. We rushed back to this office and have never looked back. We will never take our pets to any other office. A huge thank you to all the staff for being the best."

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